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3ntr - 3D Additive Industrial Manufacturing Model - A4v4

SCAN MASTER 2 3ntr for Medical Applications

Technical Specification:

  • Small Format (easy deployment in office).
  • 300x200x200mm Working area.
  • Three nozzle - 450°C each (independent control).
  • Multi Material & Colour printing.
  • Accuracy - 0.011mm (11 micron).
  • Heated Chamber - 90 degree.
  • Dimensional stability.
  • Carbon Tray Diamond bed.
  • Filament Dryer & UPS.
  • Filament - ABS ESD, ABS HD, ABS Fast, Carbon+, Nylon+, IglidurTM, nPOWER Glass+ PCABS,
    PETG, zWAX, Elastomers.
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